February 26, 2020

The Update Desk: 10th Debate Drinking Game

Good morning!  How's your debate hangover today?

I actually had a well-hydrated night, looking at my pre-debate list of keywords.  Here's how I did, per the debate transcript. Bolded words are winners.
  • Castro, Cuba, Fidel, communism. There were multiple Cuba references and one reference to communist countries, so I'm taking a sip - but not a Big Gulp, since I'm an anti-0besity New Yorker - on that last one.
  • Jim Clyburn - he's the most powerful Democrat in South Carolina, and both Klobuchar and That Guy from Vermont dropped his name.
  • Palmetto (because someone will have to say it) - my guess was that Gayle King would be the one to say it, but sadly, she didn't. And neither did anyone else. 
  • coalition - several mentions, from Warren, Klobuchar, and even That Other Billionaire, Tom Steyer. 
  • Russia, bots - bot of course this one was there - too easy. There were 13 mentions of Trump's favorite frenemy. 
  • convention, contested, superdelegates - this was an issue in Nevada, but the CBS folks didn't touch it. 
  • HBCU, HBCUs - Warren mentioned this, but she spoke the words historically black colleges and universities instead of using the acronym.
  • firewall - I was pretty confident someone would ask Biden about his campaign's frequent comments that SC was his firewall. The question came up, kind of, but not using this word. 
  • Israel, peace, settlements - I'm claiming all three of these. The first two were mentioned, and Bloomy either couldn't remember 'settlements' or thought better of using that inflammatory word and instead referred to 'communities.' Either way,  I win.
  • turnout - I figured it would be hard for TGFV to not say this one, and I was right. 
  • inheritance tax - taxes yes, including a wealth tax and taxes on billionaires, but not specifically the inheritance tax. 
  • Green New Deal - everyone wants this, TGFV says there are 20 million jobs in there, climate change is the existential threat to the world, and no questions? SHOCKED, I tell you. 
  • Operation Chaos - another hit on my sippy cup here. Operation Chaos is what the Rs are calling their effort to get their voters to the polls to color in the bubble for TGFV (it's an open primary here).  Chaos is what Russia wants.  It's the same thing. 
  • establishment (all types of it) - not mentioned, which is odd. I thought maybe one of the reporters would be willing to ask about burning down the house, but they skipped it. 
  • vice president - other than this being Papa Joe's title, no mentions. I thought maybe someone would 'go there' on a veep candidate, saying a person of color, or a woman. Biden said he'd make a black woman a Supreme, but that was as close as it got. 
  • expectations -again, they skirted this question, which was a natural for Biden. He did however, say he was not 'expecting' to get votes from people of color, he planned on earning them.  

Cheers to me - I did better than I did in last week's Nevada debate.  And 
I'll have more on the debate later, including a host of winners and losers. 

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