February 21, 2020

Email of the Week (v11)

Thursday is usually the day I look at emails from the Dem candidates still in the race, but sometimes life interrupts (in a good way) and schedules fall by the wayside. 

Rather than leaving you hanging, here's how things shook up, with an extra day for them to get their points across. Mayor Pete continues to lead the pack in sheer volume - that's been a trend for quite a while

Most of the pre-debate emails were requests for money, with some still reflecting on performance in the two early states. On Debate Day, the emails were encouraging me to watch, to attend a watch party, to donate (including RIGHT NOW! during the debate itself) and there was the obligatory "I've just left the debate stage, and..." from several of them. 

Otherwise, what was noteworthy?
  • Bloomy is holding a 'Weekend of Action" across the country, with folks manning phone banks, putting Ring doorbells to work, hosting events, and so on, And in his "just off the stage' email, he pointed out that "people are taking notice of what we're building here." I don't think anyone can argue that point.
  • Mayor Pete and his team talked about how investing in a presidential campaign is an act of hope, and he's also looking for folks willing to hosts for Team Pete volunteers as they move about the country. And, he's still releasing policies - this week we got his Public Lands paper. It's not a PowerPoint, and it's bigger than a Post-It note, in case you were wondering.
  • That Guy from Vermont came close with an email asking for donations to help him take on Republicans, Democrats, the financial industry, the media, billionaires, Super PACs, and yes, the whole damn one percent. I can't read those words without hearing his voice and seeing his full persona.
But the coveted Email of the Week goes to Elizabeth Warren, not for her Debate Day email pointing out that she had taken on "an arrogant billionaire and won", but for another email directed at Bloomy.  With the simple subject line Michael Bloomberg, here's our winner.

Last night's debate wasn't the first time Elizabeth won against Mike Bloomberg.
After she launched the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Wall Street used their leverage over Senate Republicans to block her from running the agency she'd created. So she went home to Massachusetts and decided to run against one of those Republicans — Senator Scott Brown.
Brown was a popular incumbent, beloved by big banks and corporate interests, with plenty of Wall Street campaign cash to show it.
Just ask Mike Bloomberg — he hosted a fundraiser to try to re-elect Republican Scott Brown and keep Elizabeth out of the U.S. Senate.
Despite starting 17 points down — and despite Mike Bloomberg trying to keep the Senate seat for Scott Brown — Elizabeth built a grassroots movement and beat him by 7.5 points.
Elizabeth beat Bloomberg's money once before — and she's going to beat his money again. Chip in $2 right now to support Elizabeth in this fight for the Democratic nomination.
Michael Bloomberg has spent his billions helping countless other Republicans — Republicans that went on to win their elections and prevented Democratic majorities in Congress.
For Bloomberg, it's still cheaper to dump hundreds of millions of dollars into a run for president than pay the $3.163 billion he'll owe in a wealth tax when Elizabeth is president.
Just because a billionaire is angry that he's finally starting to be held accountable, doesn't mean Elizabeth's going to stop fighting. Elizabeth never backs down from a fight — and right now, she needs you with her.
Will you chip in $2, or donate any amount, to help Elizabeth keep up the fight?
Everyone tried to score points on the billionaire former mayor, both on the stage and in the post-debate emails, but Warren did it much better than the rest of them.

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