February 8, 2020

In Case You Missed It (v22)

Here's your recap of this week's posts, with snippets and links.

Sunday School was all about Mayor Pete, who made appearances on four of the five major shows. Here's how he was answering questions on whether he or Joe Biden is he better man to take on Donald Trump.
If you look at the lessons of history, over the last-half century, every time that we have won, every time my party has won the White House, it has been with a candidate who is new in national politics, who doesn't work in Washington or at least hadn't been there very long, and who was opening the door to a new generation of leadership...That is the best way to win.
I offered My Middle-aged White Lady Perspective on impeachment, riffing on the oft-repeated mantra of presidential attorney Jay Sekulow.
Danger. Danger. Danger.
Because the Republicans have handled themselves no better than the Dems have, and in many cases they've handled themselves even worse, in that their behavior is based on fear of the president. They are so beholden to him and his largesse, and his endorsement; they are so afraid of losing that, afraid of his relentless attacks being turned on them. And afraid of the wrath that comes from his devoted followers: personal attacks, attacks on family members, and more. This is not in any way a joined ideology - Trump has none, really - it's a survival instinct. 
In Wondering on Wednesday, I was all over the map - no surprise. In addition to a lot of wondering about the absurdity that was Trump's State of the Union, I found a couple of other things that were wonder-worthy, including this one.
... First, you don't need to wonder if SecState Mike Pompeo watches The Simpsons. Clearly, with his hopelessly wrong tweet, sent from his personal account, the answer is no. 

There was a close contest to see who got the coveted Email of the Week on Thursday, with former presidential candidate Cory Booker and Andrew Yang in the top echelon this week. Yang got the nod.
Last night during the Iowa caucuses, the entire nation realized something the Yang Gang has known since the beginning -- we desperately need a president who actually understands technology.
Also on Thursday, I shared two different presidential visions for how to behave at the National Prayer Breakfast. First, there was President Obama's.
For me, and I know for so many of you, faith is the great cure for fear.  Jesus is a good cure for fear.  God gives believers the power, the love, the sound mind required to conquer any fear.  And what more important moment for that faith than right now?  What better time than these changing, tumultuous times to have Jesus standing beside us, steadying our minds, cleansing our hearts, pointing us towards what matters.
And, in extremely sharp contrast, there was whatever it was that president Trump did. Before working himself up to cite his economic successes and tout what he thought was going to happen with the stock market, he made sure he addressed his deep faith.
Weeks ago, and again yesterday, courageous Republican politicians and leaders had the wisdom, the fortitude, and strength to do what everyone knows was right.  I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong.  Nor do I like people who say, “I pray for you,” when they know that that’s not so.
And, finally, it was TGIF time, where I attempt to determine who (or sometimes what) had a good or bad week.
Hail to the Chief had a bad week. Sadly, because the president decided to re-celebrate Festivus - actually, every day is Festivus for him - in the East Room at the White House, he was given this ceremonial musical honor before babbling for over an hour in what the White House website refers to as Remarks By President Trump to the Nation. He described it much better himself, I think.
You'll have to check the post to see how he described whatever it was he was doing on Thursday. For me, it almost defied description.

So, there you have it: the full veritable pastiche for the week.  See you tomorrow for Sunday School.

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