February 21, 2020

TGIF 2/21/20

Let's make a list, shall we? A very short one. 

That Guy from Vermont made a comment about Russians during the Nevada debate. It was the only time Russia or Russians were mentioned, which in and of itself was interesting. First, the context: they gang was talking about nastiness directed towards folks in the Nevada Culinary Union, alleged to have been perpetrated by his supporters

Here's what he said.
And let me say something else about this, not being too paranoid. All of us remember 2016, and what we remember is efforts by Russians and others to try to interfere in our election and divide us up. I'm not saying that's happening, but it would not shock me.
We now know why he wouldn't be shocked by this: it's because he was warned - a month ago, according to this US News article, that the Russians were interfering in our election, specifically that they were interfering on his behalf. TGFV responded strongly, saying, in part,
Let’s be clear, the Russians want to undermine American democracy by dividing us up and, unlike the current president, I stand firmly against their efforts, and any other foreign power that wants to interfere in our election.
And, he lobbed a complaint about the media into the mix. In response to a question on why this is just coming out now, when he was told a month ago, the sarcasm was dripping.
I'll let you guess, one day before the Nevada caucus... It was the Washington Post? Good friends.
Ignoring, there, that he had the opportunity to say something a month ago, and didn't. And he was the one dropping the "not being too paranoid" bomb the other night. And now he's surprised that someone tracked down the story? Sorry, but the crying about the media, like all the other crying about everything being rigged against him, is just as tedious coming from him as it is coming from that other whiner. Except the other guy does it much better.

And speaking of that other whiner, and speaking of doing it better, you can say lots of things about Mike Bloomberg and his campaign to beat the whiner, but be sure to say he's got the best darned ads. For example, here's one of the billboards he paid for in Las Vegas that are short, to the point, and funny to boot. 

Mark Ralston/Getty Images (from Slate.com)
You can see two more in the Slate article linked above - and learn about why his ads have, so far any way, been so effective.  Need a hint? Think Geico.

TGIF, everyone.

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