August 24, 2020

The Update Desk: Rev. Graham's Message

In last Saturday's Irony Board entry, I talked about how Rev. Franklin Graham had complained about God being missing from the Democratic Convention.

Regular readers know that I'm not religious, but I certainly didn't see the #DemConvention the same way that Rev. Graham did.
There were numerous references to God, to faith, to love, to empathy and mercy; there were religious organizations represented; there were many references to the deep and abiding faith of Joe Biden, a faith demonstrated in his empathy for others, in how he listened to, ministered to, counseled, helped, and prayed with others, throughout his career.
And, there is, of course, the well-known history of Biden's personal life, losing his wife and daughter in a car accident, losing his son to brain cancer, and how it was his faith that got him through those tragedies. Ignoring all of that smacks of a person who has a specific message he wants to deliver, but won't come right out and say it.
Yet. I'm sure he's saving it for next week.
Well, it seems that I was right. Rev. Graham has been announced as one of the speakers for the Republican Convention. He'll be speaking on Thursday, the night that the president will accept the nomination and lay out whatever plans he has in store for us for his second term.

It will be interesting to see if he makes a connection between the Ten Commandments and his preferred candidate; I'm sure, if he does, it won't be the same way I did in my post.

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