August 27, 2020

Highlights from the RNC: Day Three

And, here's the carefully curated highlight reel from night three of the Republican National Convention; you can check out nights one and two if you missed those.

There're only two speeches I'm highlighting. Oh, there were many more given, as you can see from the transcript linked above. There were politicians, first responders, people with pre-existing conditions, political candidates, sports heroes, and more.

There was even someone accused of insider trading, which I thought was pretty cool for the 'Law and Order' party, although I'm sure the arrest of the speaker earlier this month was all part of the grand deep-state hoaxspiracy to bring down the Chosen One, ,or something. What is it they say,W1GOTDEWAGOTDE (When One Goes Off the Deep End, We All Go Off The Deep End)?

There yet another Trump to take the stage - Eric's wife Lara, who I think is the fourth and next-to-last Trump to speak (first daughter Ivanka still on the docket, of course.)

There were lies, misstatements, misquotes, and stories galore to tug on your heartstrings, some of which had some connection to the president, and some where that connection was hard to find.

One of the former? Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany.
I’m Kayleigh McEnany. You may know me as a supporter of President Trump, but tonight I’m here to share with you how he supported me...
Actually, most of us regular Americans watching probably know her as his fourth Press Secretary, right? And most of us were not aware that she once called him a showman, a racist, a RINO - and even a progressive (!!!), so that was kind of enlightening, and you know, almost made poring over the transcripts and video clips worthwhile.

And there was the opening prayer, delivered by Rabbi Shubert Spero, formerly of Young Israel of Greater Cleveland.Or, was the opening prayer delivered by Rabbi Aryeh Speropresident of a Jewish group that speaks out for America’s “Judeo-Christian ethos," among other things?

Well, seems it was the latter - and the RNC feed had it wrong, and I almost had it wrong as a result. Honestly? Absent the dreaded red misspelled word indicator, I was right there with them accusing the wrong Rabbi of delivering the second of they two highlights I'm featuring. 

Here are a few of Spero's comments, which completely sum up the viewpoints and the platform of  Trump Republicans.
Oh Lord, you have granted us certain natural rights, such as the right to speak freely, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, as well as religious freedom, the right to assemble and the right to self-defense.
Only in America have these God-given rights so flourished and been categorized as belonging to the people, embodying the very essence of our government. Father, we pray that this outlook and mindset, this form of government continues, as has been our history, especially now when to our horror, it is being challenged.
So, we pray that God gives strength and health to our President, who has splendidly demonstrated daily his determination to defend and maintain the God-given rights of our citizens as enshrined in our constitution, and in our declaration, eloquently passed down through our Judeo-Christian tradition.
President Trump has stood up fearlessly against those who are corrupting the term social justice, so as to deny Americans their birthright and these divine gifts. May God protect him. May God bless all those in government and among our citizens who seek to honor, defend and preserve our heritage.
I want to do those things, and I believe in social justice, but it would seem my ideas are different from Spero's. Does that mean God will ignore me? And I assume that Spero is fine with that, wouldn't you agree? There's I'm guessing yes, and there's quite a bit of evidence that Trump Republicans feel the same way, so forgive me for not climbing aboard the Trump Train just now, OK?

And in case you're wondering, I'll have Mike Pence's full acceptance speech, along with Trump's (coming later tonight), for you in Friday's TGIF.  That's the exact same treatment I gave to the remarks from Kamala Harris and Joe Biden - in full, without comment or snicker, even if those remarks are 'to my horror.'

I guess that means I'm "splendidly demonstrating my determination" to defend those rights about which the Rabbi waxed so eloquently.

Good on me.

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