July 1, 2020

Wondering on Wednesday (v214)

Ready... Set... Wonder!

Ah, Wednesday...  Let the wondering begin...

Will we ever meet the 'adults in the room', do you think? I mean, other than at a book signing? These mysterious people who share secrets, treasonous secrets unless they're a hoax, in which case, l guess, they're sharing lies. Except that we (ususususus, as they say on social media) shared this information with our allies, so why would we do what if it were just a hoax? Are we in some kind of celebrity game show or something? (Don't answer that.)

Is there actually someone working in the Intelligence Community named Unnamed Source, Official Briefed on the Matter, Intelligent Official, I Speak on Condition of Anonymity, Official Familiar with Intelligence, or I Am Not Authorized to Speak on Behalf of the Government? (That's got to be quite the thing on an ID badge, don't you think? Would they just use an acronym, I wonder? IANASBG, which I think would be pronounced Ian Asbag?)

And is the Intelligence Community one of those fancy gated places, like the one where lawyers brandish guns at protesters, I wonder? Or is it more like those giant retirement communities like The Villages? It sort of seems more like the latter, but I'm not really sure.

Speaking about The Villages, I learned today that if you tweet a video filled with f-bombs and senior citizens behaving badly, including repeatedly yelling "white power" and then delete it after causing a 'five-alarm fire" at the White House, you have "condemned" white power ideology, without even saying a word? It's true --Kellyanne Conway said so.

I'm at the point where I really want all of these people to arrive at the NY Times and do an Ellsberg and get all of this out in the open, before the election, so that the president will not be allowed to suck all of the air out of the room with his lies and spin and claims of hoaxing and of being the LONE WARRIOR.

I wonder, does he have a cape or something? Maybe one of those green coats like Melania wore, with writing on the back?  Would his say, "I really don't have a clue, do u?"

This latest Russia thing, another in a line of Russia things, is deeply upsetting, on a number of levels; first, let's assume it's a hoax, as the president says, (even though I'm surprised there would have been briefings for our allies on a hoax - is that just me, I wonder?)

If it's a hoax, that means there are people in the Intelligence Community actively trying to take down the Administration, and/or to interfere in the upcoming election, and/or trying to inflame our relationship with Russia and/or our allies,  or they're just a bunch of lying liars who have no ulterior motives, which might be more frightening, I'm not sure.

And of course the media has to be complicit, as are some Republicans (including my Congressman) and most Democrats, who want answers, very quickly on what's going on here. And how hard would it be for the president to convince people this is the case, I wonder?

But let's assume it's real, even if not fully fleshed out over the past many months, and think about why the president wouldn't take this seriously? Or think about why, if he knew this intelligence was out there, why would he be talking about inviting Putin to attend the G7 summit, being held on American soil, against the wishes of our allies? And why the intelligence folks wouldn't have briefed the gang of eight on this months ago, know as we all do, how Trump plays loosey-goosey with all things Russia?

Any does anyone else know why this administration insists on briefing Republicans and Democrats separately? What's up with that? Why aren't they getting the same information at the same time? Is that really necessary on a hoax or an actual threat to our servicemen and women?

Does any of this make you wonder as much as it makes me wonder, I wonder?

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