October 21, 2020

Wondering on Wednesday 10/21/20

Ready... Set... Wonder!

Well, what's to my wondering mind should appear, but an announcement that the FBI is going to make a major announcement about election security tonight. I wonder why people are wondering why that's going to be something about Hunter Biden

What else? The president walked out of his 60 Minutes interview, and threatened to release the video himself, taking it out of the hands of the network and interviewer Leslie Stahl. He hasn't said why he walked out but he attacked her, of course, because that's what he does to women who don't agree with him. Sometimes, it's almost like he's so upset about these interviews that he's got blood coming out of his... wherever, or something.

The president is not going to be happy that his own FBI is pointing fingers at Iran and Russia, not Iran and China, right now, live. Apparently these two foreign actors have obtained voter registration info, including perhaps email addresses and are sending fake stuff to people trying to scare them into thinking their votes will not be safe. I don't have to wonder why foreign folks try this stuff, because we've already seen American actors try something similar, including a couple of big fans of the president, who allegedly orchestrated threatening robocalls to Detroit residents, advising among other things that if they voted by mail, their information would be used for mandatory vaccination tracking.

We've got another debate tomorrow night, with mute buttons. Trump people are upset because this means it won't be a cage match, and the president will have to act like, I don't know, a regular person and not scream and shout and bully his way through the questions - no wondering that he's upset about that. And again, it's a woman moderator, Kristen Welker and from NBC, and he hasn't gotten over his 'loss' to Savannah Guthrie on his ill-fated town hall... Biden people are probably less annoyed by the changes, and actually may like them, because that'll cut out Biden's own less-than-presidential comments and interjections when Trump was talking. We'll see if it makes a difference, but I'm not holding out hope that it will.

I wonder if I'm the only one sitting back and watching elected officials who support the ethically-challenged, debt-challenged, Russia-challenged, China-challenged, taxpayer-soaking, lying, bullying, corrupt president summoning all of the available righteous indignation they can muster to try and get Twitter, the media, and Rudy Giuliani, the president's Russia-challenged, Borat-challenged personal attorney to do their work for them? 

And I wonder if I'm the only one wondering why, if this weren't 1000% election interference on the part of said personal attorney and right-wing media, they held back allegedly more damaging information, to be released between now and November 3rd?  

And I wonder if I'm the only one wondering if they think releasing this will make more people vote for the ethically-challenged, debt-challenged, Russia-challenged, China-challenged, taxpayer-soaking, lying, bullying, corrupt president, or if they think this will make fewer people vote for the other guy, giving the ethically-challenged, debt-challenged, Russia-challenged, China-challenged, taxpayer-soaking, lying, bullying, corrupt president a better shot at re-election?

Honestly? I don't wonder about those last three things, at all. For the first, I know I'm not alone. For the second, I know I'm not alone. And for the third, we know it's the latter. 

What are you wondering about?

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