October 11, 2020

In Case You Missed It (v57)

Let's stroll down short-term memory lane, shall we? Here's your recap of last week's posts.

For your Sunday School, I literally drew names to see what classrooms I'd visit, and I ended up with George Stephanopoulos and Jake Tapper, which is better than ending up with Chuck Todd, wouldn't you agree?  

George talked with Jason Miller, a campaign guy from the Trump team. 

Miller was happy to talk happily about how happy everyone is that Trump is happily getting over his case of COVID-19 and how happy his doctors are not telling us the truth and stuff, and when George pointed out that 72% of respondents in a recent poll said Trump didn't take the risk of getting COVID-19 seriously enough and had not even protected himself, Miller recited all the things that Trump did that were completely unresponsive to the question. 

George tried to help him out by giving some concrete examples: 

... the president had to take it head-on, but he didn't have to have -- hold rallies where people did not social distance, where did not wear masks. He didn't have to mock former Vice President Joe Biden for wearing a mask and reporters who wore masks. He didn't have to continue to go to event after event without wearing a mask.

Again, we have an epic fail from Miller: the president is one of the most tested people in the country...  anyone spending time with him is tested before hand, they keep their distance - 

 -- the closest I ever get to the president is about eight feet, maybe six feet, usually a pretty solid distance back. A lot of times it's more like ten feet. 

Eight feet, six feet, ten feet - don't ever go fishing with this guy, he'll turn a guppy into a shark... 

In the CNN State of the Union classroom, Tapper continued his 'take no prisoners, I'm going to say what people all across the country are saying, and I don't care' attitude. Some people find it annoying; I find it refreshing. Check the post for his conversation with Ohio's Gov. Mike DeWine, one of many who won't say a bad thing about the president if you stood them in the middle of 5th Avenue... 

Your Extra Credit post had another Trump campaign guy, Steve Cortes, in the Fox News Sunday classroom. His rose-colored-glasses are even rosier than Jason Miller's.  Wallace pointed out what everyone knows -- someone, or maybe everyone - wasn't telling the truth about the president's health. 

As to the doctor lying, or Mark Meadows lying, Cortes didn't want to talk about that but when Wallace asked if the American people don't deserve the truth, Cortes said yes, and he was the one giving it to us. And, of course,

... we talk directly to the patient, in this case the President of the United States, who tells us things are going great. The whole world heard directly from the doctor who said things are going great. I mean to me, if the patient and the doctor say things are great and you hear from both of them and see both of them, to me, that is sort of case closed, really.

Yes - when the man who has told over 20,000 lies in his short time in office says he's healthy, we should believe him.

Mid-week, I was Wondering on Wednesday about all kinds of stuff, including the head-spinning announcement that Trump was pulling his negotiators and that we wouldn't see any stimulus until after he wins the election. Take a look.

Will there be a stimulus payment for Americans who are struggling and those who are not? Will there be a bailout for the 'too big to fail' airline industry?  Do we have to wait until after the election, when Donald Trump says he will be elected, before we'll see a rescue plan - for anyone? Or, maybe, those hearty, wholesome, crime-free red states will get some stimmy, and us blue-staters will have to wait until... when, I wonder? But the big wondering is, what happens if we hold off on handing out any relief until after the election and (drum roll please) Donny gets sent packing?  Who gets the bump then? Blue states? Blue states and maybe purple swing states that voted for Papa Joe and Mom-ala? I mean, has Trump thought this through, I wonder?

We now know, of course, that Trump hadn't thought it through, and then he came out with a couple of different 'roid-influenced statements and now, honestly, I don't even remember for sure whether anyone's talking or not.  

Thursday was a two-fer; the first post brought my recap of the vice-presidential debate. I focused not the talkin points that Sen. Kamala Harris and VP Mike Pence gave, and not on zingers they were trying to inject into the Interwebs, but rather on their answers to specific questions they were asked. Here's a look at a couple of those.  First, a question to Pence (PQ), the leader of the White House Coronavirus Task force:

PQ. Why is the US death toll, as a percentage of our population, higher than that of almost every other wealthy country?


That's right - no answer. And here's a pretty important question for Sen. Harris (HQ):

HQ.  have you had a conversation or reached an agreement with Vice President Biden about safeguards or procedures when it comes to the issue of presidential disability? And if not, and if you win the election next month, do you think you should? 


Yeah, no answer to that one either.  Neither of them answered direct questions on the economy, or on abortion... We really need to change the way we do these darn things. (I've talked about this before.)

The second post was a Quick Take on the domestic terrorism plot against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and law enforcement officers. Whitmer, you may remember, has been a thorn in the president's side on all things related to the pandemic, and he famously tweeted that her state should be liberated, around the time that armed protesters were gathering, confronting legislators and police, and what not.  Here are a couple of thoughts on that kind of thing, from Whitmer at the time of the tweet, and from LEOs announcing the arrests of the terrorist militia members.

When she was asked then whether the president's tweet might encourage more protests, Whitmer hoped it wouldn't, and "she also noted that people are feeling anxious about the pandemic and its economic fallout. And, she said.

The most important thing that anyone with a platform can do is to try and use that platform to tell people, 'We're going to get through this."

The collected federal and state law enforcement officers spoke of "elaborate plans" to kidnap Whitmer and overthrow the government, and referred to the "rather unprecedented" nature of the case - and, I'd suggest, the rather unprecedented state of affairs in the country today. 

...it does send a very vivid reminder that while we may be in a period of discourse, possibly even divisiveness and fighting across the nation, law enforcement stands united.

And finally, blissfully, it was time for your TGIF. I'd been reading lots of comments on lots of subjects, and used the post to recount some of them. Here's a couple for you.

Some people who think it's offensive to talk about the fly on Mike Pence's head think it's perfectly OK to call people names, including libtard. Apparently insECTS are must worse than insULTS. (I love that one!)

    Some people think that white supremacists and BLM are literally the same people.(Not just Joe Biden literally, but actually - literally - the same people.)

    Chew on that last one for a bit... I did, for sure. 

    So that's it -- your veritable pastiche from last week.  See you later for Sunday School. 

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