June 17, 2020

Wondering on Wednesday (v211)

Ready... Set... Wonder!

So, the wondering tonight is all on the same theme:  what if we didn't talk about stuff. Here's an example of what inspired the wondering:one of the many Morgan Freeman memes which are so prevalent on social media. 

For example, it seems the president and his Coronavirus Task Force have decided to pretty much stop talking about the pandemic, and according to one report I saw, they're now asking governors to focus on reopening, not on, you know, people dying or anything.

So, if ignoring the pandemic can make that go away, and ignoring racism can make that go away, what else can we ignore and fix?
  • How about poverty... Can we ignore that? I mean, we've been talking about it to some degree for quite a while, just like we've been talking about racism in some way, shape or form for some time. Maybe with a concerted effort, we can ignore the living daylights out of it, and make it go away?
  • Or cancer... Let's ignore that, instead of trying to treat people into remission, instead of spending all that money on research and trying to drill down into treating various cancers based on genetic markers and what not - we can just stop that, and we'll stop cancer, right?
  • Despots and dictators... We've engaged our soldiers and sailors and Marines, we've engaged our diplomats and our spies, we've engaged Congress and presidents for years, decades, trying to take these bad guys down, in whatever ways we can, and yet they keep popping up.  Maybe we should just ignore them, and they'll go away?
  • Those pesky gay people who think they deserve to be married just like the rest of us... Let's just stop talking about them, dammit, and they'll just poof into thin air!
  • Religious persecution... More wars have been fought, more punishment meted out, more terrorism committed in the name of religion that we can count, right? And even today, the United States is fighting against persecution of Christians around the world (while, notably, still trying to persecute LGBTQ folks who might be religious here at home, but hey, we're not going to talk about them anymore) and I think we can really save a ton of time and money - and solve the problem - if we just stopped talking about it.
  • Police brutality... Because the last thing we want to do is have any more of that, even if it's the kind that doesn't end up in someone being dead for a minor offense. So I'm thinking, if we just don't talk about it, that would just go away, too, right? 
  • Communism... No one likes that, right? It's cruel, and mean, and communist countries start wars and viruses. Let's ignore all of that, too. 
  • Immigrants... Other than the ones we need to hire as valets and bartenders and housekeepers and stuff, and the genius supermodels and other similarly situated people who will do good things for us, even if it means that Americans don't get jobs,  we should just stop talking about them. And stop building a wall, of course. Because that won't be necessary anymore. 

Gee, this is fun wondering tonight don't you think? Instead of having to work on making the kind of lasting change that we need to make, we can just stop talking about stuff, stop worrying about stuff, and watch it magically disappear. 

And of course, that's a ridiculous concept, isn't it? Almost as ridiculous as the president suggesting that if we stopped testing for the coronavirus, we'd have a lot fewer cases.  And that leads me to one last bit of wondering:

If we just stop talking about Donald Trump, will he simply go away?

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