May 21, 2022


On Thursday, I posted a draft letter to Florida Man Ron DeSantis, governor of the Sunshine State. The letter was copied liberally (progressively? extremistly?) from a letter my husband received from DeSantis; it asked for opinions on the state of the country, and of course, for a generous donation. 

Today, I'm sharing a revised survey, modeled very closely after the one My Sweet Baboo received from DeSantis. I'm sending my letter and the survey off to Tallahassee, with a return envelope so he can send his reply and his most generous donation to me to help return Sane Americans to power across the land.

Sane Americans

Gov. Ron DeSantis
400 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001 

Registered Survey Number: 8675309 RWNJ O8iCuR12


Survey Instructions: Please answer each question in the survey. Once you have completed your survey, please seal it in the envelope provided along with your special gift of $5,000, $2,900, $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50, or even $35 to Veritable Pastiche and return immediately.

For EACH question, select from the following responses.
a. Damn Straight, Skippy!
b. HELL to the NO!
c. I'm clueless on this one

SECTION ONE: The Conservative Media, Small Government, and Free Speech
1. Do you believe the Conservative Media, Hollywood D-listers, and the extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs are hostile to Sane Americans? ___

2. Do you believe the "small government" extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs are hostile to people who care enough to think themselves? ___

3. Do you believe the biased Conservative Media is: unfair to Sane Americans, reports bald-faced lies as facts; are enemies of our Great Country; and are friends of our enemies? ___

4. Do you believe that "small government" extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs and their political correctness are ruining our Great Country? ___

5. Do you believe that forcing women to have children, arresting them for leaving their states to receive medical care, allowing professionals - including doctors - to refuse service to people they don't like, 'cancelling' American companies, and instigating an insurrection against our Capitol are "small government" principles? ___

6. Do you support the collective efforts of the Small Government extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs and their Conservative Media Partners to tear down our Country and promote foreign dictators? ___

SECTION TWO: The Right-wing Nut Job Agenda
7. Do you believe true Republicans are caving to the demands of the extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs who control the GOP, and they all refuse to work with Democrats and the President? __

8.  Do you support the extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs and their "small government" efforts to steal our freedoms and bring authoritarian rule to America? ___

9. Do you support the extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs and their fight to allow elections to be overturned if they don't win, their continued promotion of The Big Lie - that the 2020 election was stolen - and their loyalty to their chosen leader, Donald Trump, over their oath to protect and defend our Great Country? ___

10. Do you support allowing individual parents to try and control what is taught to all children in public schools? ___

11. Do you support taking taxpayer money from public schools and using it to pay for tuition at private schools - including religious schools? ___

SECTION THREE: Sane American Priorities 
12. Do you favor having all people – the living breathing ones, and the bricks-and-mortar or web-only ones that most Sane Americans realize are not people too – pay their fair share of taxes to support our Great Country and promote our American ideals and values? ___

13. Do you support Sane American efforts that are reasonable, bipartisan, and aggressive, t0 fully address all the immigration issues we face? ___

14. Do you support Sane American efforts to stop spending on new programs until we first ensure existing programs for supporting Americans in their efforts at achieving their American Dream are accessible, working as designed, and not riddled with fraud? ___

15. Do you support Sane American efforts to level the tax collection playing field by:
  • taxing income without all the 'social engineering' deductions that most Americans enjoy
  • removing the special tax and accounting rules that allow the richest Americans and multi-billion-dollar corporations to skirt their responsibilities; 
  • and fully funding the IRS to identify tax fraud and recoup the nearly trillion dollars in taxes that go uncollected each year? ___
16. Do you support Sane American priorities, including: 
  • accessible, affordable health care for all; accessible, affordable health insurance for all, including a public option; 
  • the freedom to control your own body; freedom to seek health care outside your state's borders; 
  • fair trade agreements that position American consumers as the primary beneficiaries;
  • regulatory policies that prioritize protecting Americans and not picking corporate winners and losers; 
  • education policies that work for all Americans, prepare them for the future, and better position us in the global economy; 
  • a strong military, but one that does not necessitate dangerously limiting necessary social programs; 
  • and a secure Homeland, protected from foreign AND domestic threats? ___
17. Will you support Veritable Pastiche’s campaign to win back Sane American majorities in both the House and Senate, elect more Sane American governors, and win sweeping victories up and down the ballot in the next election? __


Thank you, Governor DeSantis, for fighting back against the extremist, Right-wing Nut Jobs and their Conservative Media allies. I want to stop the RWNJs from building their Extremist New America, with less individual liberty for Sane Americans, and I know this survey will be a great first stop in the process. 

And thank you, Governor DeSantis, for your most generous contribution of $5,000, $2,900, $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50, or even $35 to Veritable Pastiche. I promise you, this money will be put to good use immediately as we move ahead to bring more sanity to our Great Country!

NOTICE: Contributions to Veritable Pastiche 
are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. 
Please make your personal checks payable to Veritable Pastiche. 
Thank you.

Sincerely, and sanely,
Veritable Pastiche

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