May 19, 2022

Random Thoughts 5/19/22: Dear Gov. DeSantis

My husband, who has never been a Republican, received a letter from the ultimate Florida Man, Gov. Ron DeSantis. The letter was dripping with that special kind of patriotism only Republicans can say with a straight face. I took the liberty of making a couple of edits the Gov's letter, and thought I'd share them with you before I sent this to him.  

Dear Fellow Patriot, 

Liberty. Freedom. Independence. 

Whatever you may choose to call it, the extremist Right-Wing Nut Jobs (RWNJs) want to take it from you.

  •  Your right to speak your mind.
  •  Your right to practice your faith.
  •  Your right to protect and defend your home and family.
  •  Your right to own and operate a business.
  •  Your right to educate your child.

The extremist RWNJs are currently doing everything they can to take these God-given rights away from you, and it isn’t an accident. 

This is their New America.          

On behalf of Sane Americans everywhere, I’m asking freedom-loving people across our Great Country:

“Are you OK with that?”

I have enclosed a vital NEW AMERICA SURVEY and registered it specifically in your name so the leaders of our Country can hear from you directly, because I believe America is already dangerously on the wrong track, with extremist RWNJs at the helm of the Republican Party.

Your NEW AMERICA SURVEY answers are an essential first step in our effort to slow down the extremist RWNJs and ultimately take back our Country from their freedom-squelching hands in the coming election.

From the moment Donald Trump was elected in 2016, the America-hating, extremist RWNJs adopted the rallying cry “Make America Great Again!” And from that moment forward, they teamed up with Far-Right broadcasters, Proud Boys, Hollywood D-listers, and other despicable individuals to seize power in towns, villages, school boards, statehouses and in Washington, DC.

And now that they are in control, they’re hellbent on radically changing America. As a Sane American, a voter, and a defender of all that’s good in our Country, 


Not if I can count on you to join with me and other Sane Americans, by speaking out and standing up for our American principles. 

Make your voice heard today by filing out the NEW AMERICA SURVEY I’ve enclosed and specifically registered to you. 

Please tell me and the leaders of America where you stand, right away. We need to build a National Movement of Patriots like you to put our Country back on track.

We need to rally Sane Americans across the country to stand up against the extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs, the angry mob that now dominates the Republican Party and pushes all of us aside for their own autocratic goals. 

So please, tell me, are you on my side?

Are you on the side of sanity, standing with Americans who truly believe that we can be a Great America again?

Or are you on the side of the extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs in the Republican party, who are hell-bent on destroying our freedoms? 

I need to know that you want us to KEEP FIGHTING BACK against the polarizing, poisonous mob that controls - and has destroyed - the Republican Party, and that wants to control every aspect of our lives. So please, take a few moments RIGHT NOW to let me know where you stand. 

It’s important to know where you stand because the biased, outrageous, so-called conservative media, who operate at the beck and call of Donald Trump and the extremist RWNJs, would have you believe that our country is breathtakingly close to becoming a communist stronghold. Sane Americans like you know this is not true, but the battle against the extremist RWNJs is going to be a long one, and we must stand strong in order to regain the America that we love. 

  • We have seen their power to censor individuals – and companies – who do not follow their so-called moral agenda. 
  • We have seen their power abused to control what books we can read. We have seen their power abused to control women’s bodies, and to cage women within their state borders to prevent them from receiving medical care. 
  • We have seen their power abused to control parental rights, preventing children from receiving medical care with the guidance of trusted medical professionals. 
  • We have seen them abuse their power to turn Americans against each other - and they have MONETIZED this behavior, with the help of activist judges and justices who are loyal to a small, powerful group of elites.

My fellow Sane American, we have NO IDEA WHERE THIS WILL END! 

No group of individuals, no political party – no one - should have this much power over you and me as citizens of our Great Country. Millions of Sane Americans WILL NOT be silenced by the out-of-control, extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs who are trying to destroy everything our Country stands for. And they will never be able to ban the MILLIONS of us who support our American values and the Golden Rule. 

So, are you willing to join the fight to keep the RWNJs from creating their NEW AMERICA?

Can I count on you to do your part by taking a few moments to fill out your NEW AMERICA SURVEY? 

I would like to ask that, along with completing your survey, you make a special gift of $5,000, $2,900, $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50, or even $35 to me, to put me in a financial position to turn this information you provide into concrete action against the dangerous, extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs. 

It is urgent that you get back to me as soon as possible. So please, don’t wait, return your completed NEW AMERICA SURVEY and special gift in the next five days. 

Every day, Sane Americans are facing a near-constant barrage of lies and attacks, However, the FACTS are indisputable. Over the four years Donald Trump was president:

  • The scourge of hatred against immigrants, people of faith, women, the poor, and people of color hit record highs.
  •  White Supremacists marched, with torches, in our streets. 
  • Extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs took over local, state, and national offices, not because of an underlying love for public service, for their communities, or for our country, but in service to Donald Trump, his lies and belligerence and false patriotism. That continues, even today, as primary elections are being held across the country right now, and in the coming months. 
  •  Two Supreme Court seat were stolen – one from Americans who had already chosen their President - the sitting President of our Great Country - but were denied his choice months before an election. The second was stolen from the American people, who had already started voting for the next president, with Election Day only weeks away. 
  • Thousands of Americans died, unnecessarily, because the Donald Trump and his minions, the extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs, failed to appropriately deal with the COVID pandemic - on purpose. 
  • Members of Congress supported insurrectionists trying to stop a legitimate election in which 82 MILLION VOTERS rejected the scourge of Trumpism and MAGATS and chose someone else to lead us back to America. 

And the list goes on, and on. 

They say we were WINNING, but were we? Does America really win when elected officials show loyalty to a MAN, while ignoring their oath to defend our COUNTRY?

Join me in fighting back, by taking these three simple steps.  

  • Step One is completing and mailing back your NEW AMERICA SURVEY 
  • Step Two is rushing an urgently special contribution of $5,000, $2,900, $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50, or even $35 to me. It is going to take millions of dollars to enable to me and other Sane Americans to enhance voter outreach, strengthen our grassroots operations, and better deliver our message to all Americans. We cannot afford any delay in getting started 
  • Step Three is staying committed to the true promise of the American Dream, staying engaged in the fight for it, and never giving up – and NEVER GIVING IN to the extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs who are working tirelessly to steal our freedom and ruin our Great Country 

This is a pivotal moment in our history. With your help, a wave of sanity is coming in November. And it going to wipe out the extremist Right-wing Nut Jobs and the repressive, repulsive New America they are building right now. But we cannot just wait for that to happen: We must start now – today! - and work for our country, together.  

I’m counting on you! Please send your special gift, and your survey, right away!

Thanks in advance for your support. And remember: all other Sane Americans are counting on YOU!


Veritable Pastiche

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