February 12, 2021

TGIF 2/12/21

Jiminy Cricket, it's Friday already?

I don't know about you, but I laughed when former president Trump's new favorite lawyer blurted out the name of a decades-old Disney character this afternoon. 

And it wasn't the only time that I laughed during the 'defense' of 45, which was primarily arguing about old court cases, showing a slick video of Democrats speaking people who were not armed insurrectionists, saying the word 'fight' over and over and over and over. I'd keep saying 'and over' as many times as were in the video but that'd be more than 200, I heard (yes, someone counted them).

That the lawyers managed to complain about the fancy media company the House Managers used to create their slick video, and then turn around and do exactly the same thing, but even slicker and, if I heard it right, with music, and Madonna, and Johnny Depp, was indicative of how little defense they had, and how little defense they presented in their time today. 

Oh, there was lots of emphasis on Trump's one statement of asking for people to be peaceful, as if the continuum of his incitement began and ended on that phrase on January 6th. I thought Rudy Giuliani was a bad lawyer, but these guys are giving him a run for their money. 

That said, Trump has to LOVE how they did today, after being taken out behind the woodshed by Ted "your wife is ugly and your father killed JFK" Cruz and Lindsey "I'm Trump's Chump" Graham and Mike "Yeah, that was my phone, but I wasn't holding it and didn't listen" Lee and a couple others, too. The collusion between those who swore to do impartial justice and the lawyers who, I'm convinced, have never spoken to their client in person, is both comical and embarrassing. 

They were indignant and blustery, turning to Michael van der Veen, he of the Jiminy Cricket comment to kick things off. David Schoen spent his time accusing the House Managers of withholding evidence and selectively editing tweets and videos, and he did the same thing he accused them of doing. If that's not straight out of the Trump playbook, I don't know what is. 

The comment about withholding evidence appears to be false, according to multiple reports, but that didn't seem to matter to them. And Bruce Castor just sort of repeated everything the other two said, adding more showings of the fight club video, and dropped some of the Right's favorite catch phrases, talking about 'cancel culture' and 'law and order' and the Dems are afraid of Trump, and so on.

Question time was a mixed bag; other than Rep. Raskin, the House Managers talked too much and missed their opportunities to answer questions directly. It was unfortunate that they blew it on those. On the Trump side, there was more indignation and bluster and a couple of bonehead moves, including van der Veen talking about "his worst experience in Washington," a foolish statement which Raskin easily deflected, apologizing for the lawyer's bad day and suggesting that van der Veen should have been there on the 6th of January.

Soon, we'll know officially that the Republicans are still afraid of Trump, and what he can do to their careers, and there will be an acquittal. The only thing we don' t know is, how many Rs will vote to convict. I hope some of them find the courage to do so; maybe the ones who've already declared they're not running next time?

Good week? Bad week? You pick.

TGIF, everyone.

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