January 16, 2020

Email of the Week (v6)

Thursday is 'Email of the Week' day, when I plow through a hundred or so emails from the handful of Democratic presidential candidates I'm following to see what's going on.

This was crunch time for many of the candidates, and let me tell you, there were an awful lot of emails were filled with 'Donate' buttons and 'could you just send a little something before midnight/before tomorrow/before it's too late?"  That's what usually happens right before a debate -- and then after the debate, there's the 'I just got off the stage' email, which - you guessed it - also asks for money.

I thought about giving a team email award, to whichever candidate's team asked me for money the most; and I thought about giving this week's recognition to Cory Booker's suspension email, but I just did that for Julian Castro. So,I read through all 95 emails, and finally found something that was more than just a bald-faced ask for cash.

So, without further ado, here's the coveted email of the week, which echoed one of the sound-bite moments from Tuesday's debate.

Thank you for being part of this grassroots movement. I hope I made you proud on the debate stage tonight.
One of the most important issues we talked about was how we’ll beat Donald Trump. There’s a question out there: Can a woman win? Let’s tackle that question head on:
Collectively, the men on the debate stage tonight have lost ten elections. There were only two people on this stage tonight who have won every single election that they've been in — and they were the women.
Since Donald Trump was elected, women candidates have outperformed men candidates in competitive races. And in 2018, we took back the House and state houses across the country, because of women candidates and women voters.
Here's what I know: the real danger that we face as Democrats is picking a candidate who can't pull our party together, or someone who takes big parts of the Democratic constituency for granted. We need a candidate who will excite all parts of the Democratic party, bring everyone in, and give everyone a Democrat to believe in. And I’m ready to do just that.
Hope and courage win elections. That’s how I will make you proud, every single day, as this party’s nominee — and as the first woman president of the United States.
We're building a grassroots movement together - and together, we will win. Can you chip in tonight and help power this campaign forward? 

Thank you for being a part of this.
I'm going to add Tom Steyer to the mix, I think - but I'm not budging on Deval Patrick and Michael Bloomberg - at least, not yet. Maybe the self-funded campaign will bring us some new email panache.

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