January 9, 2020

Email of the Week (v5)

Thursday is 'Email of the Week' day, when I plow through a hundred or so emails from the handful of Democratic presidential candidates I'm following to see what's going on.

Since last week, I've gotten another 94 emails from the six candidates I'm following: Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, that guy from Vermont, Andrew Yang, Mayor Pete, and Elizabeth Warren. The latter two, with 26 and 22 emails, respectively, accounted for more than half this week's total.

For the most part, the candidates were all about their Q4 fundraising - or their opponents' Q4 fundraising, as the case may be, and all about caucusing in Iowa, less than a month away now.  They're buying ads, they're getting endorsements, they're getting positive press, want to give me stickers, and want me to give them my opinions. All of that made it hard for me to find an email of the week, until boom - there it was. The email that was to the point, was unique, spoke to people in simple terms, and left no questions about what the candidate was up to.

And so, without further a-doobie, here's our coveted Email of the Week.

Quite frankly, our criminalization of cannabis is stupid and racist. 
Cannabis has been legalized in 33 states and the District of Columbia. It is short-sighted and illogical that it is still considered a controlled substance by U.S. federal law.
What's worse is that thousands of Americans are in jail for marijuana-related offenses, particularly people of color.
If you agree that we should proceed with full legalization of marijuana and pardon those in jail for nonviolent marijuana-related offenses, add your name to our petition:

As president, Andrew Yang will:
  • Support the full legalization of marijuana at the federal level and remove it from the controlled substances list. 
  • Expunge the federal convictions of all marijuana-related use or possession offenses. 
  • Identify non-violent drug offenders for probation and potential early release.  
  • Stand with Andrew by adding your name to this petition.
    Let’s keep putting Humanity First,
    Team Yang
    What is it they used to say, smoke 'em if you've got 'em?

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