April 29, 2022

TGIF 4/29/22

Golly, it's good week/bad week time again already? Let's see who ended up where...

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-I Wish I Knew Who Leaked Those Tapes) had the best bad week, or the worst good week, I can't be sure - but either way, after being exposed as a liar, he was rewarded with a standing ovation when he met with fellow members of the Awful Conference. All anger at Trump has been forgiven, the lying about what he said has been forgiven, and, oh, he's got a boatload of money and he's not afraid to share it.

I'm not sure whether this is indicative of a good week or a bad week, but four progressive Ds  (Reps. Cori Bush, AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib) and four conservative Rs (Reps. Lying Cawthorn, MTG, Thomas Massie and Chip Royvoted against a symbolic bill that urges President Biden to seize and sell the assets of Russian oligarchs, and use the money to help Ukraine. This brought much joy, or chagrin, to the Twitterverse: having these folks on the same side of an issue is a rare treat, for sure.

President Biden is said to be considering erasing $10K in student debt - or possibly more - for all borrowers. In the eyes of many, that's a good week. Others in his party - including Sens. Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren, and Rep. Jim Clyburn - think that $50K is a nicer number; that might signal a bad week, instead.

I'm not a fan of blanket loan forgiveness, or of the ongoing moratorium on repayment, although I am a fan of ensuring that loan forgiveness programs are fully utilized. So, this might mean I'm going to have a bad week at some point down the road. 

Donald Trump had a bad week - a $10K per day kind of bad week - after a judge ruled him to be in contempt for failing to turn over documents to NY AG Tish James. He's appealing that order, as well as the one requiring he testify under oath in James' investigation. 

On a related note, Trump's lawyer referred to Post-it notes, or rather, the lack of them, in court. However, Michael Cohen, Trump's former 'fixer' provided proof that they exist which is going to make things more complicated for Trump. So, I guess Cohen had a good week. 

And I'll leave you with another good week list-maker; I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so you can see him here. I guarantee it'll make you smile

TGIF, everyone.

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