August 23, 2021

Meanwhile, Back in Albany (v44): Cuomo's Goodbye

Today my Sonofa Gov, Andrew Cuomo, leaves office. He'll be replaced by Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, the first woman to ever hold New York's highest office. 

Cuomo spoke today, via a videotaped message. You can watch and read his parting thoughts on the state's website. Some highlights are below.

Hello. As you probably know I'm stepping aside as your governor. I wanted to share some thoughts with you that I've been thinking about over the past few days. 

What's been on his mind over the past few days? It hasn't really been introspection, at least not as far as his admitted behavior is concerned.

I now understand that I acted in a way that made people feel uncomfortable. It was unintentional and I truly and deeply apologize for it. I feel awful about it and, frankly, I am embarrassed. And that's not easy to say.

In fact, it was impossible to say, today. Instead, we got this.

There will be another time to talk about the truth and ethics of the recent situation involving me, but let me say now that, when government politicizes allegations and the headlines condemn without facts, you undermine the justice system - and that doesn't serve women and it doesn't serve men or society.

Of course, everyone has a right to come forward and we applaud their bravery and courage in doing so, but allegations must still be scrutinized and verified whether made by a woman or a man. That is our basic justice system.

See, it wasn't about his behavior, it was about politics, and people who want what he has, or so he thinks. 

I understand that there are moments of intense political pressure and media frenzy that cause a rush to judgment. But that is not right. It's not fair or sustainable. Facts still matter.

A fire cracker can start a stampede but at one point everyone looks around and says, why are we running? The truth is ultimately always revealed. 

The Attorney General's report was designed to be a political firecracker on an explosive topic. And it worked. There was a political and media stampede. But the truth will out in time - of that I am confident. 

To his credit, he understood that trying to stay in office and fight, which is and always has been his first reaction to any criticism or accusation, no matter how big or small. 

Now there are moments in life that test our character, that ask us, are we the person we believe we are? Or are we the person we try to be at our best? You know me. I am a fighter and my instinct is to fight this because it is unfair and unjust in my mind. But you also know that I love New York and I serve you. That is the oath that I took, and in this moment I believe the right thing is that my service come first. 

After telling us what must be done to ensure the Empire State's future (police reform, and giving us back our SALT tax deduction, for example), he spoke of "what made New York State the Empire State in the first place."

New York's historic success was not a process of evolution. It didn't just happen. We weren't born this way. We were born of vision and daring and competence. We built the canals, the roads, the bridges, and education system and the economy that made us the greatest state in the nation.

Our future is ahead of us, though. 

But today is a different day. We have reason to believe in New York's future based on what we have accomplished together. We've shown potential. We've shown that the New York spirit that reached for the skies, that refused to accept defeat, that challenged possibility, that said no to the status quo, that took on the bureaucracy that still exists. And we must demand that government continue to perform and achieve and accomplish. 

Cuomo spoke about lessons he's learned during his time in office, "and the one that gives me the most hope is my belief in the essential intelligence and goodness of the people of this state." 

said, when I started, I work for the people. I work for you. And to me, that is everything. My faith has been in the people, not the politicians and not even the political system. I know too well the flaws of the political system. I believed and still believe that New Yorkers informed with the facts when they believe the facts, when they believe they're told the truth, they will do the right thing. Even when it's hard. 

It's not easy, but it's possible. And I know it's true because you proved it. You are the u in unity and New York chooses unity over division every time. I believe that for New York, the best is yet to be, because I believe you will make it so.

In sum, we didn't get everything done that we wanted to, or even everything we should have done. And we didn't always get it quite right. But I want you to know from the bottom of my heart, that every day I worked my hardest. I gave it my all and I tried my best to deliver for you. And that is the God's honest truth.

And then he thanked us, "for the honor of serving as governor of New York," for making NY "the progressive Capitol of the nation," and then he mentioned his dad.

Thank you for vindicating E.B. White's words, often quoted by my father, God, rest his soul. When he said, "New York is to the nation what the white church spire is to the village, the visible symbol of aspiration and faith, the white plume saying the way is up." 

Thank you for the honor of serving you and never forget, always stay New York tough, smart, united, disciplined and loving. It's the essence of what makes New Yorkers so special. God bless you.

And at 11:59PM, it will be over. 

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