July 22, 2021

Quick Takes (v62): Keep One, Toss the Rest

They take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" and to "bear true faith and allegiance to the same" and to "well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office..."

Nothing in their oath says anything about bearing true faith and allegiance to their party.

Nothing in their oath says anything about supporting and defending the charlatan and grifter who used to be president, or about supporting and defending any other individual.

It's just not in the oath - I swear and affirm.

So much of the time, they disregard their oath and work for their own longevity and benefits of office, not for the benefit of the country, not for our vaunted American Ideals, not for you and me. Put many of them in the same room and all we'll see is a pile of insincere, self-centered, scaredy cat hypocrites.

Is this the only example, the move by Kevin McCarthy to delegitimize the House Select Committee on the insurrection, immediately after meeting with the former president, the many McCarthy previously said "bears responsibility" for what happened?

Hell no, there are tons of them. I wear glasses, but the lenses are not rose, I can assure you. We could fill the Boston Harbor a million times over with boxes of hypocrisy from the people we elect - the Boston Harbor, and the Great Lakes, and the entire Mississippi River and all her tributaries, and the Gulf of Mexico, and still have boxes and boxes of hypocrisy left over.

If Washington hypocrisy was water, we'd never have a drought. If it was actual currency, we'd be able to pay for every idea anyone ever thought of, and some ideas we haven't thought of yet.

But it's not actual currency - it's political currency. And so here we are.

If any of the Rs had any courage, they'd walk down the hall to Speaker Pelosi's office and volunteer to be on the Select Committee. All of those "Look at me, I'm bipartisan!" folks in the Problem Solvers Caucus? They'd be lining up to join the Committee. They'd do that, to uphold their oath, to support and defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. Even if that means they might be investigating members of their own caucus, their colleagues, their friends. And they'd even have the chance to investigate the House leadership as part of the process, which is as it should be. We should expect nothing less, and we should stand for nothing less.

I'm not holding my breath for even a single second, because I know better. We all know better. We must figure out how to get these people out of office.

Except Liz Cheney. She can stay. Not because I agree with her on policy issues, but because she has more courage than the rest of them combined.

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!