April 3, 2016

Knock Knock. Who's There? Fractured Democrats.

Fractured Democrats who?

Fractured Democrats who, it seems, are bound and determined to make their party look as silly as the Republicans this election cycle.

We've heard all along about how Hillary delayed her announcement long enough to make it practically impossible for anyone else to get in the race early enough to get big-donor support and super delegats aligned.  And we've heard about how the DNC, under the 'leadership' of Debbie Wasserman Shultz, has been trying to make the nomination a slam-dunk for Hillary Clinton. The DNC had shut the Sanders camp out of their own donor database after the campaign 'inadvertently' accessed the Clinton donor database; the inadvertent access happened because the DNC had crappy firewalls between the two and didn't keep them separated, according to the Sanders folks.

And we've heard about how the initial very limited debate schedule (six I think?) was set up on purpose to favor Clinton, with debates in locations and at times that were favorable to her constituency and unfavorable to the Sanders constituency. You know, like scheduling one at 9PM on a Saturday night during the college football playoffs, leaving only old people to watch the political 'playoff', or at 9PM on a Sunday night when I think everyone but me was settling down for the last season of  Downton Abbey.

Now the camps are trying to work out having a debate in New York, the actual home state of the Vermont Senator and the adopted home state of She Who Wears the Cloak of Inevitability. After finally agreeing to at least have a discussion about scheduling a debate in a delegate-rich state that is, surprisingly, still relevant in April, there were some dates offered by both sides and rejected by both sides.

One was Monday night, April 4th. The night that the NCAA men's college basketball championship will be played. At the time the debate discussions were being held, the Sanders camp noted that it was sort of ridiculous to pick that night, generally, and specifically since Syracuse was in the hunt for the championship (sadly, we were knocked out by UNC last night). Shout out to the #FeelTheBern team on that.

According to the Clinton camp, they offered a time that would have allowed the debate to end before the start of the game, and the Sanders people turned that down. Um, do they know anything about college sports over in Hillaryville?

Surely she must remember this picture of her husband, right?  She was the first lady of Arkansas, for heaven's sake. Does she actually think that anyone in the entire state of Arkansas would watch a debate in the hours leading up to a Razorbacks game, in any sport?

Hell no -- they're in sports bars and man caves getting ready, not sitting home waiting eagerly for a debate.

And, pretending for a second that they could get their heads around a disciplined discussion on trade or immigration while wearing their game day attire, is the thinking that after the debate, they' all go racing out to said sports bars and spend the first half of the game trying to find a parking space?

Of course not. And I can assure you New Yorkers are the same. You want a7:30 debate on Final Four Monday? Good lord.

One of the other times was on Thursday evening, April 14th. Bernie has a huge rally scheduled for that day, so clearly he's less than interested in debating before or after the rally, right? Or first thing in the morning on the 15th.

Yep -- first thing in the morning (an idea discussed and maybe even agreed to by both camps) on Good Morning America. Let that sink in for a moment.

The best time for a presidential debate is between 7AM - 9AM on a Friday morning? In what country? In what century?  Who's the target audience for this one, stay at home moms? That's the target voting cohort they're trying to reach? And no, I'm not picking on stay at home moms; Hillary already did that, several years ago. I'm just questioning that demographic as a specific group to reach for a presidential candidates debate.

There have even been arguments made that there shouldn't be a debate during the last few days of the tax season, because people won't be able to focus on the political stuff as they sweated out their income tax returns. I kid you not.

Even with our primary being moving from Super Tuesday (where it was in 2008), to mid-April, Democrats in New York still have a chance to actually make a difference, to have a say in picking the standard-bearer of our party, and this is what the candidates offer us?

Maybe relevance isn't all it's cracked up to be. And maybe, the Dems are closer in ridiculousity to the Reps than they wish we knew.

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