January 4, 2009


This is my first foray into the world of blogging, and as I take my baby steps in the cyberworld, I'm hoping that if nothing else, from time to time I'll give you something to think about. I don't anticpate that everyone who reads this will like me or my posts -- frankly, I've always thought that if the world was filled with people just like me, it'd be pretty darn boring around here.

If you're a family member or close friend, you're probably already used to me spouting off on the news of the day, talking about the cats, sharing garden updates, or raving over some of my new recipes. If you're visiting, these are my primary interest -- but there's really no limit to what strikes my fancy or will cause me to start typing.

Thanks for stopping - and Happy New Year!

- Sue

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!