February 14, 2024

Wondering on Wednesday 2/14/24


Ready... set... wonder!

I wonder more than a little if the candy in those ubiquitous red hearts - the ones that have been on store shelves in my neck of the woods since around Thanksgiving - is still safe to eat? And if it is, will it taste as good as if I paid full price to get it, I wonder?

With all the talk about memory, two old guys running for president, and all of the known instances where both of the OGs have demonstrated memory lapses, I wonder if there's really a significant difference between OG1 not remembering the exact dates he was vice president, and OG2 not remembering when he was married to one of his wives. 

And I wonder more if there isn't greater significance to OG2 saying, in a videotaped deposition about his sexual assault case, that a picture of him and the woman he was accused of sexually assaulting was actually a picture of him and his wife than there is that OG1 didn't remember the date his son died when asked that question in a deposition regarding classified documents. 

Don't get me wrong - I'm not giving either of them a pass. I believe they are both the wrong people to be running for president. But if 'we' - the media, the punditry, the keyboard warriors - are going to make the age and mental failings of one of them an issue in the 2024 race, I can't help wondering what it's going to take to get 'us' talking about the other guy, too, with the same level of breathless panic.

And, totally NOT related to breathless panic... My father, a high school history teacher, used to call me every Valentine's Day and leave a voicemail telling me he loved me and hoped I'd have a great day. Before he hung up, without fail, he'd close with a 'rat-tat-tat-tat-tat' which was his way of commemorating the St. Valentine's Day massacre. And I find myself randomly wondering what my mother must have thought the first time he did it, and, the tenth, and the 20th... I know I loved it, every time. 

What's on your wondering minds tonight?

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