January 8, 2011

Rep Buerkle: Why Repeal PPACA?

Dear Representative Buerkle:

I’m writing you to let you know that I do not agree with your position on repealing or defunding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as PPACA, and referred to by some as the Job-Killing Health Care Law. 

While I’m not thrilled with PPACA in its entirety, I do not believe that killing this bill is the right decision. I am however interested in understanding why you believe it IS the right decision. 

I’m also interested in what Republicans would offer instead?  What specific coverage benefits would you provide, if you succeed in taking away the ones that became effective last year? What specific job-creating or job-preserving provisions would you include in a health care reform bill? 

If you do not believe in mandating that everyone have coverage, can you explain to me why you think it’s acceptable and necessary for me to pay for other people’s health insurance, through higher premiums, fees and taxes paid directly by health insurance companies such as my employer, or through claim payment surcharges? 

Last, I’m concerned that the vote to repeal PPACA is specifically excluded from the pledge that all new bills will either reduce spending, or if they raise spending, they have to be accompanied by equal spending reductions elsewhere. How will you make up for the projected $230 billion impact repealing this Act will have? And why was this bill carved out? 

Thanks for your consideration and response.

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